About us

Nice to meet you

Welcome to World of Nola, your virtual haven for all things travel and figure skating.

Who are we, you ask? We are passionate explorers and dedicated figure skaters who’ve combined our love for these two captivating worlds to bring you a blog that’s both inspiring and informative.

Upcoming Blog Posts

  1. Tokyo Unveiled 🌸: Get ready to dive into the heart of Tokyo! Our comprehensive guide will lead you through the vibrant streets, hidden gems, and must-visit spots of this incredible city. Discover the best local cuisine, cultural experiences, and travel tips to make your Tokyo adventure unforgettable.

  2. Beginner’s Guide to Figure Skating ⛸️: Lace up those skates and prepare to glide! Our beginner’s essentials for figure skating will cover everything from choosing the right equipment to mastering those crucial first steps on the ice. Whether you’re dreaming of elegant spins or perfecting your balance, this post is your starting point for an exciting figure skating journey. Stay tuned for these exciting updates!